insomnia,can't sleep.sleep problems

Can’t Sleep? Here’s 7 Simple Things That Can Help You Sleep Like a Baby.

7 Simple Things That Can Help You Sleep Like a Baby. Get to sleep before 11pm Circadian rhythm is like a body clock which tells you when to sleep, rise and eat. Your body starts to produce melatonin (the sleep hormone) at around 9pm to start to get you ready for bed. Research also shows…


Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the catch-all term used to describe gastro-intestinal troubles that Western medicine cannot find a reason for.  We’ve had a lot of patients recently come to us with ‘IBS’ having been to their doctor, referred to a gastric specialist, been through gastroscopies and endoscopies and…

varicocele pain

Varicocele (Teste) Pain

Varicocele (Teste) Pain A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum.  It is not unlike varicose veins that you find in the leg. Varicoceles can occur with no symptoms at all.  Other times symptoms may emerge including pain, impeded teste growth and low sperm count leading to infertility.  Varicoceles mainly affect younger…

pulse diagnosis

Pulse Diagnosis Reveals the Causes of Many Health Problems

Pulse Diagnosis Reveals the Causes of Many Health Problems A Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis expert can place their fingers on your radial pulse to read the causes of many of your health problems, often without asking you any questions at all.  How is this possible, you may ask? This article explains how and why it’s…

acupuncture needles,acupuncture melbourne

Not All Acupuncture Needles are the Same

Not All Acupuncture Needles are the Same The old saying ‘you get what you pay for’ also applies to acupuncture needles. Expensive acupuncture needles are up to five times the price of cheap acupuncture needles. What’s the Difference in Acupuncture Needles? In Melbourne (and Australia), all acupuncture needles must be single use, sterile, stainless steel…