Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupunture While Pregnant

Do you need some support during your pregnancy and getting ready for the birth?

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Pregnancy Acupuncture

Congratulations, you’re pregnant!

Falling pregnant can be one of the most exciting times in your life. But for people who have lost babies in the past, or have struggled for a long time to conceive, it can be a time of ongoing anxiety. That’s why we aim to make your pregnancy a more joyful experience and help you carry to term more comfortably.

The first trimester

Weeks one to twelve is typically a higher risk time. During this phase our focus is on helping you stay strong and alleviating morning sickness ( we have amazing success with helping women with morning sickness – BUT treatment must start at the first signs of nausea) and anxiety.

How? – Acupuncture aims to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to your uterus.  It also helps to regulate the hormones that are released during this time, which may be contributing to your morning sickness.

Weeks thirteen to birth

Healthy mothers have the best chance of delivering healthy babies. Acupuncture can be a great way to help keep you healthy and strong. It can also help alleviate some of the uncomfortable symptoms including morning sickness, that many women experience that can get in the way of them enjoying their pregnancy.

Helping you ride the emotional roller coaster
As being relaxed and happy is an important part of conceiving and carrying to term, we use acupuncture to help relieve stress and anxiety so you can more effectively manage the emotional roller coaster that comes with trying to fall pregnant and being pregnant.

Body aches and pains
Back pain or sciatic pain is the most common pain we encounter. As you advance in your pregnancy, the movement of your joints start to adapt to the pregnancy we see many mums to be with  hip or carpal tunnel pain. We have excellent tools and options to help alleviate these symptoms through your pregnancy and most importantly, it is all natural and effective.

We monitor your progress through pulse and tongue diagnosis, blood pressure and temperatures.

Post-pregnancy recovery

Pregnancy is probably one of the biggest challenges your body will ever go through.  It takes an incredible amount of energy to produce a healthy baby. But acupuncture and can do wonders to get you back on your feet faster.

How does Chinese medicine help post-pregnancy?

Acupuncture helps to clear lochia (fluid retention) and restore your energy and strength faster so you can get back to doing the things you love.

What People Are Saying About Us

Why choose Dr Sandra Wu to help you with your overall health, fertility and pregnancy?

Sandra can help you with your overall health,  during specific periods of your IVF and pregnancy journey or can be with you to support you all the way through.

Experience. Sandra has treated hundreds of women with fertility difficulties, with many of them doing IVF. Sandra also has three young children of her own so understands first-hand what you are going through.

Success. Hundreds of babies have been born by patients undergoing IVF while receiving Sandra’s support care.

More Acupuncture And Pregnancy Benefits: